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Rodtraud Sauer ir Gert Sauer

Garbės narė ir garbės narys


Jungiškosios krypties analitikai

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Was it a coincidence or a happy synchronicity that the IAAP convention in Chicago (1993?) us - Gert Sauer, psychoanalyst trained in Zurich, in private practice in Freiburg/Brsg since 1976. /Germany and works as a lecturer at the C.G.Jung Institute Stuttgart, and Rodtraud Sauer, my wife and employee- were meeting with Grazina Gudaite?

As you know me, I advocate the second.

After her training in Chicago and with the help of Goda Ruksaite, Grazina Gudaite initiated the development of training in analytical psychology.

Accompanied by our professional commitment and our friendly feelings we got to know the warmth and commitment of our Lithuanian colleagues and the spirit of freedom that lives in them. This lived in the various places where Grazina practiced, e.g. in the songs that were sung by the participants after the seminars. We got the impression that wherever Lithuanians are together, there is always a song. Even then, Grazina's connection to the other peoples of the region was expressed in her work and became the group's tradition.

It was a pleasure for us to witness the development up to the constitutional founding of the LAAP. This is not only important for Lithuania itself, but also means professional connection to the International Community for Analytical Psychology.

We also see our honor as honorary members of the LAAP in this context. Our own wish was to overcome political and ideological boundaries through international exchange and encounters through the “Eastern Europe Network” and thereby build bridges in order to make the findings of analytical psychology usable for interested parties and patients. What makes us particularly happy is the fact that the members of the LAAP make a very valuable contribution through seminars, analysis and supervision outside of Lithuania in countries that cannot yet offer their own training opportunities. This also led to Prof. Gudaite becoming an internationally known personality through her work in the IAAP. We wish the LAAP continued energy to implement its goals with the warmth, commitment and openness of its birth. We thank you for the appreciation, friendship and love shown to us.

Gert and Rodtraud Sauer

Amžiaus grupė, su kuria dirba

Kalbos, kuriomis konsultuoja


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